
Re-Energizing Your Home

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Interior design is something I have always had an interest in and whilst people are still going crazy over interior trends like the use of marble, cooper and grey textures made me wonder whats next for the decoration world? With it of course being summer, interior trends move along with the seasons so energizing summer snaps on Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for colour and accessories. Although it sounds crazy adding hues of blue, pinks and yellows to your home it doesn't necessarily have to be done by completely redecorating, being with decorative accessories and bring those beach sunsets and cocktails by the pool into your own home.

Artists and interior designers have long understood how colour can dramatically affect moods, feelings, and emotions. It is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. - Kendra Cherry

Colour has always been that one thing that I've adored about interior design as it's something people are either able to embrace or quite simply steer clear of. Growing up, my mum has always been daring when decorating opting for the more bold boysenberry purples rather than the typical lilac or lavender, steering away from the more boring and expected colours of the spectrum RED. I will hold my hands up and admit red is one of my favourite colours but I will simply roll my eyes at living space decorated with pillar box red feature walls and the classic ivory accessories. It's just vile.

People need to be more like Kourtney K and realise their potential and throw together the things you would least expect to work in your home. You can give your home the more comfortable and traditional style with a contemporary, vibrant feel. For all of you out there that are judging me for the fact that I have mentioned a member of the Kardashian clan then shame on you... and also take a peep at her item for Architectural Digest it is insane.

Getting you started, Design seeds is a great site for those who love a daily dose of colour, providing an array of colours found among nature and aesthetically pleasing objects. Keeping with the summer months, this site is perfect when choosing the perfect hues (can be seen in pictures above). So my suggestion is to begin creating Pinterest or mood boards to use as guidance and inspiration, this way you have a clear idea of the things you want in your home and avoids your need to pick up pieces you don't realistically need or even like. This moves me on to the ability to mix and match interior design trends, going for mixed metals and maybe even a mixture of artisan fabrics. Crafted pieces made by yourself can also be the perfect piece to bring room space together, wall art being the most trendiest. Try 3D colour blocking on white walls, adding other features alongside making things creative yet inexpensive.

Now I have no idea if this post will be a hit or miss with my readers but I wanted to opt for something different, sharing other passions and interests in my life besides beauty and fashion. As always let me know what you think in the comments and give me any suggestions for posts you wish to see in the future. 

Thank you for reading 

BroganRose. x

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