
Instagram Round Up

Sunday, 22 May 2016

This week hasn't been as adventurous as the last few, but since leaving university I have been trying to get out and do something different as often as possible. I guess this week was different though with my brother returning from home after a little break from university and work. Anyone who is a twin will understand how awful it is being away from your sibling for longer than a few days - I was so distraught I nearly cried when he came back to Portsmouth (not even exaggerating).

Two of the pictures below have one thing in common, the red nails. Having my nails done is something I have never had done before because of having contact lenses, I always worried about clawing my eyes, but thankfully few 'how to' videos on Youtube saved my life. There is something so sultry and sassy about red nails and the matching lipstick so this week has been spent wearing a heap load of lipstick and various cocktail rings.

Now I know you're probably thinking I made yet another spontaneous trip to Brighton, I didn't. I've just been blogging to my hearts content at the moment, making sure there is a post up almost every other day. So far so good? Oh and leading on to that, the Kylie lip kit review. I have had so many views on that specific post and enjoyed hearing your comments and feed back, it really helps to know what sort of content my readers like.

Follow me on Instagram - @broganrosee

As always, thank you for reading. Please leave suggestions for further content in the comments below. 

BroganRose. x

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