
Brogan's 15 Tips For Surviving University

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Many A level students would have recently received their results, logging onto the UCAS website and deciding which university offer they will accept. After thats all done it finally becomes real. You are a university student. Weird isn't it? Some of you will also start thinking about packing up your rooms if you are to be living in halls of residence or a student house. As I said, it all becomes real.

Being a university student myself, soon approaching the second year as a politics student wish I was back at square one. Not because I wish to live freshers week all over again, but because there is so much I would have told myself prior to beginning my studies. Silly things like don't leave cups in your room or remember to pack your pencil case, its all relevant!

So anyway, this post is really just a few tips to a student coming from a student.

  1. Get organised - Even if its just buying a diary or writing lists. Keeping track on deadlines really can make all the difference. We may put things to the back of our minds, but no matter how irrelevant a piece of information may seem to you always note it down!
  2. One for the ladies, stock up on plenty of facial wipes!! There is not excuse for not taking makeup off after a night out!!
  3. Although you don't have to listen to your parents whining on about taking dishes and cups of your room DO IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE. I say this from experience...
  4. BUDGET!!!! Alongside hard work this is imperative for surviving university. Ensure you have enough money for food, rent and bills. I cannot stress how angry it made me to see students spending loans on new clothes and alcohol...
  5. Take advantage of your NUS discount cards or check out unidays. Both provide fantastic discounts for every student.
  6. Check out Google Scholar if you haven't already. Its a god sent when you are unable to find that book you needed in the library or are looking for that final reference. 
  7. If you're in halls (thankfully I wasn't) keep a dressing gown or a jumper in reach incase of those early morning fire alarms.
  8. Don't mix drinks on a night out - Pretty much a no brainer if you ask me!
  9. Take all feedback given by your tutors seriously instead of not collecting or throwing away any marked pieces of work. Even if you achieve a 1st, there is always room for change and feedback is the place to begin looking. 
  10. Never tweak work the day before its due in. I have done this on a number of occasions and always spent the evening rewriting bits which I never needed to change.
  11. Don't eat like a student. A decent healthy meal can make all the difference to your studying and setting you up for the day. 
  12. GET INVOLVED and step outside your comfort zone. This may include joining socieites. Not only are the actives and socials fun, but these sorts of things are perfect to add on your CV.
  13. Freshers flu is not a myth, its 100% genuine. 
  14. File all your notes, you never know if you're going to need them in the future. 
  15. HAVE FUN!!!!

I hoped you enjoyed reading!! When I began writing this post the list started with 30 tips, however I felt that was a little dramatic...

As always leave suggestions for future posts in the comments box below.

Brogan. x


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