
Things I wish I had told myself 5 years ago...

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Recently I have been feeling rather uninspired when thinking of new quirky ideas for future blog posts. As mentioned in my first post, I don't wish to be a girl who does nothing by blog about beauty. Although its something I absolutely love, I find it difficult myself to write a ton about products because to be honest I find it dull. I just want my blog to be different and feature everything from lifestyle posts, fashion and of course beauty, but at the moment everything I am wiring about IS beauty. Time for something different.

I have been on the hunt for something fun to blog about and whilst looking for ideas I came across another bloggers post titled 'Things I wish I had told myself 5 years ago' - I loved this, so thought I would just go for it.


So 5 years ago I would have been 15 years old in my last year of high school. Thinking about this period in my laugh, I honestly feel embarrassed for many reasons such as school, carer aspirations, makeup I wore and relationships.

Try not to worry about things
Although this is something we can't at all help, at times it really isn't healthy.  This has been something I haven't ever been able to tackle and can impact on everyday tasks. Everything happens for a reason and at time we cannot always control what happens we just have to accept what ever happens.

Decisions about your future don't have to be 100% finalised
When I was about 14 I wanted to be a fashion designer, now I'm a politics student. Things change all the time and you take on many different opportunities, opening you up to various paths. Even when you're at university studying your dream course, it won't define you or finalise your future.

Don't EVER compare yourself to other people
Everyone is guilty of this. We all have many qualities that we should be proud of. Some people do things better than others!! I continuously compare myself to my boyfriend for many reasons such as his success and organisation - I just have to remind myself I'm Brogan not Liam...

Hand on heart we can all be divas, whether thats verbally or just being plain old selfish. Take time to consider other peoples feelings rather than your own 24/7 as everything you do impacts everyone, not just yourself.

Don't bother trying to impress those who aren't worth your time
Remember them popular girls at school that everyone wanted to be etc? Yeah, they get knocked down a few pegs as they go on through life. Popularity isn't everything. Although we may try as hard as we can to impress others sometimes people just aren't worth your time or effort. 

Be yourself
Try not to mould yourself into somebody fake. When I was in first school a girl in my class told me she was allergic to peanut butter and because I so wanted to be like her I told everyone the same even though I didn't know what allergic meant. Realise who you are and just embrace it. 

Things may hurt now, but eventually you will get over it
You know when you have a boyfriend for all of a week, you break up and its literally the end of the world?! GET OVER IT. I really do wish I had realised this when at school.

Failure is a blessing in disguise
Right, I can admit I was never ever good at maths in school. I must have failed it around 6 times until I finally passed. Every time something comes to knock you down you just have to pick yourself up and try 10005593938575 times harder than before, then you will succeed.
People lose contact - Thats life
Some friends aren't for life. I don't even speak to half of my friendship from school, but I know I always have my one best friend. No matter how long we aren't in contact things will always be the same between us!

Brogan. x


  1. People lose contact.. Yes!
    It's surprising how many people you actually stay in touch with isn't it! Xx

  2. It makes me laugh because I spent so much time crying over losing my friends!! xx


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